Couch to 5K Week 5

21 Jun

The Couch to 5K Week 5 plan is as follows:

Run 1: Jog 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, jog 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, jog 5 minutes

Run 2: Jog 8 minutes, walk 5 minutes, jog 8 minutes

Run 3: Jog 20 minutes, NO WALKING

anchorman that escalated quickly

I dreaded Week 5 since I began the program. Back then running for 5 or 8 minutes straight seemed impossible, but 20 minutes?! No way. But I am happy to report that I just did it!

victory is mine

(OK, I took a 30 second walking break when my nose was really running, I was going up a small hill, people were in the way, and I had to cross a street — but those are valid excuses, right?)

I’ve been talking to some friends and family lately about running. I always ask the same silly question — “When you run, do you run the WHOLE time?” I posed it to my friend who has done a half marathon (she laughed and said yes), as well as my brother who is a casual jogger. He countered, “Are you running or jogging?” He said running he could barely make it down the block, but he jogs a couple miles slowly. I realized this has been my problem.

i wanna go fast

Pacing. I am a champion* sprinter, but running a 5K (or longer) is about endurance and stamina — the proverbial “slow and steady wins the race.” So instead of “running,” I’ve been jogging slowly. Then when I finish the designated C25K program for the day and catch my breath, I go to a hidden trail near my flat and run as fast as I can for 10 seconds, just for the Ricky Bobby in me.


*4th grade field day, 50 meters

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